Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Boy’s Town Monthly Career Days

From his headquarters in Nevada, Dr. Timothy Francis provides homeopathic, naturopathic, and chiropractic services to clients in addition to applied kinesiology. Beyond his work, Dr. Timothy Francis supports a variety of charitable causes, including Father Flanagan’s Boys Town, which provides support and educational tools to at-risk children throughout the United States.

To help prepare young people for their adult lives, Boys Town New York (BTNY) has recently created a monthly careers day program. The brainchild of James Hill, who serves BTNY as its development director, the program is operated in collaboration with the Young Leader Council.

The careers day program invites guest speakers from a variety of industries to talk to young people between the ages of 10 and 18. The careers day sessions act as an introduction to the working world and allow young people to network with professional who may provide opportunities to them at some point in the future. 

In particular, the sessions challenge attendees to introduce themselves to three people they have not previously spoken to and find three areas of common interest with each person. Each session concludes with a question-and-answer segment that offers attendees the opportunity to ask various industry professionals about their careers.