Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Applied Kinesiology Basics

A practitioner of chiropractic kinesiology, Dr. Timothy Francis runs a private practice in Las Vegas, Nevada. Moreover, Dr. Timothy Francis is a diplomate of the International College of Applied Kinesiology and his work has contributed to the advancement of applied kinesiology. 

At the most basic level, kinesiology refers to the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology builds on that foundation, asserting that muscles share connections to specific glands and organs. According to practitioners of applied kinesiology, muscle weakness in specific areas can point to internal issues such as reduced circulation or nerve impairment. 

A practitioner of applied kinesiology typically begins by taking the patient’s detailed health history and then carries out a physical examination. The physical examination includes procedures such as determining changes in blood pressure from the lying position to the sitting position to the standing position. 

The applied kinesiology examination also involves manual muscle testing. The practitioner may evaluate the patient’s emotional health by testing his or her intact muscle while he or she imagines a disturbing situation. Treatments associated with applied kinesiology range from joint manipulation and realignment to nutritional therapy to acupuncture without needles to homeopathy to herbal therapy.